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Joanna Wiśniewska
Marketing and PR Manager j.wisniewska@avallon.pl

PR Agency

Hagen PR
Wojciech Dziewit

Avallon took part in the competition ‘Show yourself! Business for Lodz’. The aim of the competition was to create a logo for Lodz European capital of Culture 2016. The competition was part of a project named ‘Business for Lodz’, whose aim was to include Lodz companies in Lodz’s bid for Lodz European Capital of Culture 2016. Entrepreneurs could make use of companies products or connect their services to creating the exhibit.

Avallon took part in the competition ‘Show yourself! Business for Lodz’. The aim of the competition was to create a logo for Lodz European capital of Culture 2016. The competition was part of a project named ‘Business for Lodz’, whose aim was to include Lodz companies in Lodz’s bid for Lodz European Capital of Culture 2016. Entrepreneurs could make use of companies products or connect their services to creating the exhibit.

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