Report a violation of laws, of internal regulations, or ethical standards at Avallon
How to Report a Violation?
Whistleblower platform
We provide you with a dedicated platform for whistleblowers where you can easily make an online report.
GO TO THE FORMLetter correspondence
Avallon sp. z o.o.
Monopolis, Budynek M3
ul. Kopcińskiego 62D
90‑032 Łódź
by mailing a sealed envelope marked:
“Do not open. Correspondence addressed to the Director of Corporation.”
What is the purpose of reporting violations?
Reporting violations helps Avallon identify irregularities and take appropriate corrective measures to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future.
Is it possible to report violations anonymously?
Yes, it is. Reports can be submitted anonymously (i.e., without providing the Whistleblower’s personal information, such as first name, surname, or any contact details). While anonymous reports remain unidentified, this does not prevent Avallon from taking necessary actions, such as conducting verification or introducing corrective measures.
Will the Whistleblower who has made the submission receive a response?
The Whistleblower will receive confirmations that the notification has been accepted within 7 days of receipt, with the exception of anonymous notifications. In addition, the Whistleblower will be informed of the result of the investigation conducted, or any extension of this investigation, within 3 months from the date of receipt of the notification by Avallon, excluding anonymous notifications.