Consistent implementation of development investments – in total – in 2013‑2017 approximately PLN 250 million was invested in machinery, which allowed to double production capacity and build the largest investment in the history of this company – a new paper machine
Velvet CARE
The buyout of the company from the international group is possible. This management group took matters into its own hands.

Hygienic items
Klucze, Warszawa
Chairman of the Board:
Artur Pielak
Income 2017:
430 mln PLN
Year of investment:
Investment exit:
Type of transaction:
Web adress:
velvetcare.comThey hired me to prepare the company for this process. The Velvet brand had huge potential. I knew that there was a great chance, and if I could afford it, I would gladly buy this company myself. The amount, however, was prohibitive. So, I looked for a partner with whom I could carry out such a buyout. That’s how I found Avallon.
Artur Pielak Chairman of the Board

Effects of actions
Efficient negotiations with a corporation
Creating the basis for the development of an independent organization operating outside the structures of an international corporation: launching new credit lines, introducing a new brand logo and corporate visualization, building a purchasing department, and developing computer systems
The rapid development of the company during the fund’s investment period: total number of employees increased from 320 to 530, an increase in sales from 230 million PLN in 2014 to 400 million PLN in 2017
Acquiring the position of the undisputed market leader in the main product categories
Contact regarding the company